Qua Pillar Health Research Foundation


Identify a research

We invite you to help us identify a research project that you believe will have significant benefits for the community. By working together, we can strive towards finding solutions to the most urgent health challenges faced by individuals and the community. Through collaboration based on shared interests, we can pool our expertise to ensure the success of projects. Additionally, we are committed to providing training opportunities that can enhance the research capacity of your organisation.

Fund a research

We are actively seeking organisations to partner with us in a collaborative effort to fund research projects that significantly improve healthcare in our communities. By supporting these projects, you can make a tangible and positive impact on the well-being and health advancement of individuals. We encourage you to invest in research initiatives that hold the potential to bring about transformative changes in healthcare delivery and outcomes. Together, we can embark on research projects that have the power to make a difference in individual and community health.