Qua Pillar Health Research Foundation

Health Care Professionals

Be part of a study

As a healthcare professional, you can contribute to a study and play a significant research role in the following ways:
  1.  You can lead a research study as a principal or co-principal investigator, providing guidance and oversight throughout the research process.
  2. You can advise sponsors or sites on the design, feasibility, and implementation of their research initiatives.
  3. You can take on leading and facilitating the recruitment and delivery of studies, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.
  4. Your involvement in these capacities will immensely contribute to the success and impact of research studies.

Evidence and research findings

We are committed to sharing evidence-based research findings that have the potential to enhance best practices in healthcare. By disseminating this valuable information, we aim to contribute to healthcare standards and methodologies improvements. Research findings will promote evidence-informed decision-making and provide healthcare professionals with the latest and most reliable research findings. Together, we can work towards advancing best practices in healthcare and ultimately improving patient outcomes and experiences.

Learning and support

We help you locate potential local collaborators with shared interests in key priority areas of your organisation. Collaboration with researchers with expertise directly related to your project will contribute to project success.