Qua Pillar Health Research Foundation

Patients and Public

Be a research champion

We invite members of the public and patients to become research champions. By participating in health awareness campaigns ,you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on community health. Additionally, you can play a crucial role in raising awareness about ongoing health research studies and promoting community participation. This involvement not only helps to disseminate important health-related information but also encourages community members to actively engage in research initiatives, leading to a greater understanding and improvement of overall community health. We assign activities to Research Champions based on their availability and interests.

Become a reviewer

We know the importance of incorporating diverse perspectives in the review process of research proposals. We strongly value the insights that patients, clinicians, carers, researchers, and the general public can provide based on their lived experiences. Your unique perspective gives invaluable insights that can shape planned research to be more beneficial to the public. To facilitate this, we invite participation in reviewing research proposals, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and considered in decision-making. This inclusive approach enhances the quality and relevance of the research, ultimately leading to outcomes that better serve the public.

Suggest a research topic

We encourage patients, clinicians, carers, researchers, and the general public to contribute by suggesting research topics addressing the most pressing public health challenges. We believe valuable research topics emerge from observations in areas such as patient treatment for specific diseases or the provision of healthcare services. By gathering input from various stakeholders, we will identify research areas that will improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.